Senior Secondary School (Affiliated to CBSE-531678)

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2022  

Dear CC
FOR PPC 2022 1st April
Following to be ensured from schools:
1. Every school may arrange at least one hn Screen/TV for the students, teachers, staff and interested parents to watch the programme.
2. .Display the live web cast link on the Facebook live, Twitter live and other live social media platform(s) of schools to reach out to maximum stakeholders for the benefit of students.
3. ENSURE the uploading of data and photos after the program: 
i. From each Distt  at least 01 photo of  01 unique schools are to be uploaded on My Gov and ASAR App.
These unique schools may be special schools/ tribal/ Adarsh Vidyalaya/Remotely located / Minority  etc.
.ii.YouTube link of the programme should be put on schools websites, School Facebook, Twitter  and other social media accounts.
iii.Total number of participants must be filled in the ASAR app.
Immediately after the programme.
iv.You tube/ face book/ Instagram  link of the programme  may be made live  on school's website and umber of persons watched the programme may be uploaded on ASER app.
Please inform schools under your jurisdiction.
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DAV Police Public School 
Police lines, Panchkula,Haryana - 134116
E-Mail: davpps.pkl@gmail.com
Phone: +91-8699014136 , 9988457115
Website: davpps.in
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